Tea Education

  • Presales are live!

    Presales are back this year, but they are a little different. In the past there have been some struggles with presales. One of the main struggles b...
  • The Difference Between Leaf Pick and Quality.

    Now before we get into this I do want to take a moment to recognize that buds can be important part of quality. If you have me choose from two Qime...
  • An Unexpected Shop. An Unexpected Tea

    From the outside it looks like a phone shop with a tea table. The awning is for a phone store and one wall as well as the back of the store is fill...
  • A Tale of Two Tea Shops: Part One

    We talked about many things, mostly the differences in locations within Fu Ding. He, unlike other sellers I had met, did not regard one area as better than others. He saw all areas in Fu Ding as capable of making good tea. I enjoyed this attitude even if I did think some areas were better than others.

  • Bai Lin Red Tea

    The weather in Fu Ding is getting cold, especially nights. Add the chilliness of the cold mountain air of 700 meters and it’s no surprise that I’ve...
  • A Trip to a Superior Tea Region

    There is way more to white tea flavors than you may think. Recently I went to Guan Yang in search of tea. Guan Yang is a well known town within the...
  • I Tried Little Veggie Silver Needle

    When living in the tea region, diving deep into the local teas, sometimes to find the unique flavors you have to turn to an unlikely source…Tao Bao...
  • A Brief Intro to Little Veggie White tea

    In retrospect, Mao Feng was easy. Huang Shan Mao Feng really only has one cultivar. Mao Feng’s local cultivar is reliable enough that it is used ac...
  • Can You Ruin White Tea?

    I handed them the bag. They opened it, took one sniff and said “It’s ruined. I can’t drink it” I had brought them a few bags and they quickly went through them all and quickly came to the same conclusion.
  • Three Things You Probably Didn't Know About Qimen

    Qimen is the most widely known yet generally misunderstood tea. Actually, to say it's misunderstood is not accurate. There just doesn't seem to be ...
  • There is a type of tea slowly taking over the tea market and it has the potential to cause real harm.

    I stood in the workshop of the Family I buy tea from. The single room across from the family’s home was filled with people. Besides the family who ...
  • 2024 Source in review. (Part 1)

    Every year holds challenges. To find teas that really showcase the specific  characteristics of the specific cultivar you have to pray for good wea...